Friday, May 1, 2009

Bad Green Marketing

OK, I just needed a forum to vent my frustration. I am so tired of watching chemical and pharmaceutical companies claiming to be natural and green. THEY ARE LIARS! The same company that was just scolded at for putting toxic chemicals in there baby products is now offering "Green" home cleaners..........SERIOUSLY!!!! They cant keep our kids safe but yet they are going to offer green solutions for our homes and the environment.

We as consumers need to be aware at what we are purchasing. These companies are taking advantage of what this grassroots movement is doing. They are taking good meaning people and brainwashing them (greenwashing) into thinking these products are safer for them and the environment.

I urge everyone PLEASE research your products before buying anything labeled Green. If you don't know what to use you have come to the right place. I urge you to read my post "What is Green" the one right below. And if you have any questions just send me a comment or email.

Just please don't fall into a marketing trap.