Monday, June 29, 2009

Green your 4th of July

Here are a few easy and cheap idea's to remember to keep our environment healthier.

Carpool - If you can try to carpool with someone else by you.

Compost - Place a compost bin next to the garbage and encourage guests to compost their compostable scraps (this will also educate non-composting guests).

Reuse Plasticware or use Silverware - Place a bucket of soapy water next to the garbage(and compost) and encourage guest instead of throwing out the plasticware to place it in the bucket so you can wash and reuse later. Also if you are having a small gathering of people or have enough silverware use that instead.

Mind your Cup - Place a market out next to the cups to encourage guest to mark there names on the cups so if they misplace them they know which is which. This will save of the amount of cups to enter the landfill. Of course if you have enough "non-disposable" cups to go around that is always the best, however I know most of us (including myself don't)

Biodegradable Plates - Typically biodegradable plates are much more expensive however Chinet plain plates are biodegradable and have always been. Instead of throwing the plates away encourage guest to compost them. Just watch your green and brown ratios (plates are brown). Typically what I do after a party of composting plates when we and my neighbor cut the lawn I add in both his and my lawn clippings so I can add extra greens to offset the brown.

Share the Wealth - After the party is over typically the host is left with tons of food and drinks some of which are un-opened. Either share the leftovers with your guest or donate to a shelter.

RECYCLE - I don't know how many times I go to a party and people forget to put out the recycle bin. Don't forget the recycle bin!

As always have a happy and safe 4th of July.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Conversation between God and Saint Francis (Suburbanites and our Environment)

I was given this by a friend I dont know who orginally wrote it and if anyone knows please let me know so I can give proper reference.

When I orginally read this it really opened my eyes to what we are doing as a civilization.

GOD: St. Francis, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the World is going on down there in the USA? What happened to the dandelions, violets, thistle and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect, no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honeybees and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now. But all I see are these green rectangles.

ST. FRANCIS: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. The Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers weeds and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them with grass.

GOD: Grass? But it's so boring. It's not colorful. It doesn't attract butterflies, birds and bees, only grubs and sod worms. It's temperamental with temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing there?

ST. FRANCIS: Apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any other plant that crops up in the lawn.

GOD: The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy.

ST. FRANCIS: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it grows a little, they cut it, sometimes twice a week.

GOD: They cut it? Do they then bale it like hay?

ST. FRANCIS: Not exactly Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in bags.

GOD: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?

ST. FRANCIS: No, sir -- just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.

GOD: Now, let me get this straight. They fertilize grass so it will grow. And when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it away?

ST. FRANCIS: Yes, sir.

GOD: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back On the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows the gro wth and saves Them a lot of work.

ST. FRANCIS: You aren't going to believe this, Lord. When the grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more money to water it so they can continue to mow it and pay to get rid of it.

GOD: What nonsense. At least they kept some of the trees. That was a Sheer stoke of genius, if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade in the summer. In the autumn they fall to the ground and form a natural blanket to keep moisture in the soil and protect the trees and bushes. Plus, as they rot, the leaves form compost to enhance the soil. It's a natural circle of life.

ST. FRANCIS: You'd better sit down, Lord. The Suburbanites have drawn a new circle. As soon as the leaves fall, they rake them into great piles and pay to have them hauled away.

GOD: No. What do they do to protect the shrub and tree roots in the Winter and to keep the soil moist and loose?

ST. FRANCIS: After throwing away the leaves, they go out and buy Something which they call mulch. They haul it home and spread it around in place of the leaves.

GOD: And where do they get this mulch?

ST. FRANCIS: They cut down trees and grind them up to make the mulch.

GOD: Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore. St. Catherine, you're in charge of the arts. What movie have you scheduled for us tonight?

ST. CATHERINE: Dumb and Dumber, Lord. It's a real stupid movie about.............

GOD: Never mind, I think I just heard the whole story from St. Francis.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Women Changing the World: Plastics

I just received this video and I think everyone needs to watch this and carefully listen to what she has to say. We all need to be making this changes today to help save tomorrow. After watching this video visit her site

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bad Green Marketing

OK, I just needed a forum to vent my frustration. I am so tired of watching chemical and pharmaceutical companies claiming to be natural and green. THEY ARE LIARS! The same company that was just scolded at for putting toxic chemicals in there baby products is now offering "Green" home cleaners..........SERIOUSLY!!!! They cant keep our kids safe but yet they are going to offer green solutions for our homes and the environment.

We as consumers need to be aware at what we are purchasing. These companies are taking advantage of what this grassroots movement is doing. They are taking good meaning people and brainwashing them (greenwashing) into thinking these products are safer for them and the environment.

I urge everyone PLEASE research your products before buying anything labeled Green. If you don't know what to use you have come to the right place. I urge you to read my post "What is Green" the one right below. And if you have any questions just send me a comment or email.

Just please don't fall into a marketing trap.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What is Green

The term Green has no regulation and so many companies are out there claiming to be Green but are they truly Green? What does Green really mean?

Well for a product to be Green to me it has to follow a certain set of standards.

1. 100% safe and Non-Toxic
2. Evironmentally Responsible Packaging - super concentrated, so less bottles enter the landfill, reusable and recyclable, biodegradable or compostable
3. Company making a Positive Environmental Impact - ask yourself what is Company X doing to better our environment and health
4. Keeping Green in my Wallet – being Green is about being resourceful and not all about buying Green. Can a single product be used for multiple uses. Green should never cost more in the long run, granted typically true Green products are more expensive upfront due to quality ingredients, fair trade..ect but they should last longer than their “non green” counterparts and thus saving us money.
5. Not Tested on Animals - being Green is about being Earth Friendly, we cant be Earth Friendly and harming animals

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No Fur Bunnies with Vroom Solo

As many of you know I have two very cute but very furry huskies and with huskies comes lots of vacuuming. Typically I vacuum every day to pick up the little furry bunnies floating around the kitchen and foyer floor. The thing I hate most about vacuuming is dragging my Dyson all over, don't get me wrong I couldn't own my dogs without my Dyson. But it is a pain to unravel the cords and drag it around to do a quick pickup of fur bunnies, spilled dog food bowl or a tossed cracker cup compliments of my toddlers. Well....this problem was solved with the Vroom.

I was recently given the chance to try out the Vroom Solo and share my experiences and I have to say I am amazed by how well this little thing works. First off if you are not familiar with the Vroom it is a self contained vacuum that is stored under the sink in either a kitchen size or bath sized model and also has a 22 ft hose. It is a simple as lifting the handle and away you go. This is great for all of life little messes and if you have pet and kids you have to check this product out.

Test Time

To put it to the test I took a rake to Atlas, a rake is the master of the shedding tools, get he most hair out with minimal effort problem is it makes a HUGE mess. Well within minutes my entire floor was covered in dog fur in huge piles. So once I was done I got out the Vroom and all dog hair was gone, in the time it would have taken me to get out the big vacuum and unravel it and I had the fur completely cleaned up.

For more information and to see a demo of this product visit

Monday, April 13, 2009

5 Ways to be Greener this Earth Day

5 Simple Ways to be Greener this Earth Day

  1. Use Non-Toxic Cleaners – Every year we toss tons of bottles into landfills and pollute our indoor air quality but putting unnecessary toxins in our air, which can extremely effect our and our families health. Make the change and purchase a Get Clean Kit, this kit is everything you need for a cleaner healthier home, plus because everything is super concentrated you will be saving tons of bottles from entering the landfills.
  • Did you know by purchasing a get clean kit It is like purchasing $3,400 of home cleaning products.
  • Eliminates 108 lbs of packaging waste from our landfills
  • Eliminates 248 lbs of greenhouse gasses
  1. Start Composting – Composting is a simple way to not only avoid scraps from entering our landfills but it does wonder for your plants. Did you know composting can lessen the amount of garbage you put at for pickup and even decrease your garbage pickup bill.
  2. Drink CLEAN Water – Every year we throw tons of plastic water bottles into landfills, start using filtered water and refillable water bottles like SIGG and Klean Kanteen and ditch the plastic bottles. Check out the Best Water Pitcher, this pitcher is fridge door friendly and filters ordinary tap water.
  3. Buy Local Produce– Support your local economy and start shopping at the local farms. There is nothing better than some farm fresh food and in most instances it will be cheaper than the supermarkets. For local farms near you go to
  4. Recycle your Indoor Air – Simply open your windows for 5 mins and let some fresh air in. Also check out the AirSource 3000 air purifier that dramatically reduces all three of the major forms of indoor air pollution, including particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust and cigarette smoke; microbes such as mold and bacteria; gases and odors. It purifies the air up to 3000 sq. ft. making it ideal for most homes.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Greening your Painting Project - EcoMom LV Tip of the Week.

I have been painting a LOT this past week and of course always thinking green. So here are few TOP TIPS for Greening your Painting Project.

  1. Purchase low or Zero VOC paints. I like AMF Safecoat.
  2. If due to the size of the project low or zero VOC paint is not "cost effective" add 5 drops Young Living Purification essential oil per 1 gallon of paint this will neutralize the paints VOC's
  3. Between days of painting instead of rinsing everything out just wrap the brushes, roller and pan with plastic wrap. Be sure to save the plastic wrap so you can use it again for the same project. I used the same plastic wrap all week and then threw it out when the project was done. This method saves TONS of water.
  4. Before you start check out Green Building Supply. This is one of my favorite websites for all home improvements. If you have any questions give them a call they will answer all your questions.
  5. Use old cotton rags or t-shirts as clean up rags or use them to apply paint as faux finishes
  6. When cleaning brushes and supplies use hot water. It will take less water if it is hot.
  7. Put some Basic H2 in water to clean your brushes. Leaves the brushes soft and clean.
  8. When painting even with zero or low VOC paint, ALWAYS open windows and turn on fans.
  9. Recycle or save any unused paint.
Go ahead and welcome spring with some new paint and green your painting project.

Neutralizing VOC's in Paint

This past week I have been married to my basement where we have painted the walls using a faux finish and then stained the concrete floors. Like everything else in my life I wanted to find a "greener" way of doing things without breaking my bank account. At the rate of $40-$60 per gallon of the better VOC paint with how much I was going to need it wasn't cost effective. But with my kids being asthmatic I cant afford to have the smell in the house as this will trigger their asthma. So what to do.....

Well my father told me about his friend Val that sells Young Living Essential Oils and they have one called Purification. When you put 5 drops per 1 gallon paint it neutralizes the VOC's in the paint and there is no smell. My father used this before and said it really does work. So I got a bottle.....ready for the results!

IT WORKS! There was minimal smell putting the paint on, and when I say minimal this was the least smell out of any 0% or low VOC paint I have ever tried! Within 1 hours of me finishing I had people in the house that couldn't believe me that I painted because there was no smell. Really the only smell you have when putting on the paint is the smell of the oil which is a nice smell.

How to use:
5 drops per gallon of paint (I used the regular Valspar paint from Lowes at $20 per gallon).
Stir up
paint as normal.

Were to buy:
You can use any independent Young Living Distributor or you can visit here:

$23 per bottle and you only use 5 drops per gallon so you get a lot of use out of this!

I am in LOVE with the purification oil. Now if I had a smaller room to paint I would probably go with the better safer paint such as AFM Safecoat since it is greener company than most other paint companies and they are also helping our environment. But with how much I was going to need at a rate of 3 times a regular gallon of paint I just couldn't afford it.

As I like to say being green is about keeping the environment and your wallet green.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Support your Local Economy! - EcoMom Alliance LV -Tip of the Week.

It seems everyone right now is having a harder time and listening to the news can get a person even more depressed. I think it is so important for us now to pull together as a community and a nation and help our fellow neighbors.

Are you looking to do work on your home, car, ..ect?

Think about who you know that might be out of a job or could use some side work that would be able to preform the job you are looking for. Also think of the local small business you can support by shopping with them inside of the big box store.

Recently I had a friend that wanted new lightening in her kitchen and it just so happened that her neighbors husband lost his job as a electrician. So she hired her neighbors husband to do the work. She got a job done from someone she trusted and he was able to get 2 days worth of pay.

This also goes for farmers, I am a huge supporter of local farmers so before you go grocery shopping hit a local farm or two and see how much of your list you can get before going to the big supermarkets. You will be surprised how much money you can save in the long run, farmers are typically cheaper than your big markets. So you can help your local farmers and also help your financial stability at the same time

Friday, February 20, 2009

Green Kid Crafts

I really enjoy educating families on Greener Living but I think the best part is the kids. They get so excited and really have fun with it. Here are a few fun "Green Kid Crafts", If you have others please leave comments and share.

Bird Feeders:
I remember doing this when I was a kid in preschool and I think it is my favorite craft.

You will need:
  • Pine cones
  • Peanut butter (if you have peanut allergies Honey works also)
  • Bird seed
  • String
How to do it
  1. Tie string on pine cone so it can hang in a tree
  2. Spread peanut butter on pine cone
  3. Roll peanut buttered pine cone in bird seed
  4. Hang on tree and watch the bids enjoy your craft.
Teach your kids
Show your kids that we need to help animals too and teach them how to care for the environment. We need to do our part so we can enjoy this beautiful gift of mother nature. Let them watch the birds and see how amazing they are.

Recycled artwork containers
I remember always in art classes at school making office supply holders for my parents growing up and how proud I was of them

What you need
  • Recycled cans or bottles
  • Markers, crayons or paint
  • Scissors
  • Tape or glue
  • Construction paper or newspaper
How to do it
  1. Cut newspaper to go around bottle or can
  2. Lay the cut piece flat and allow the kids to fill it with there best art work
  3. Tape or Glue the paper onto the bottle or can
  4. Display with pride.
This is great for holding office supplies, kitchen utensils, flowers or put some holes in the bottom use it to plant seeds.

Teach you Kids
This helps show kids that everything does not need to be thrown away. There are tons of way to reuse things, we just need to be creative. Ask them to think of something to reuse for another creative way. I am sure you will be surprise with what kids think up.

Sprout a Sponge Garden
I took this from the EcoMom's Alliance of the Leigh Valley Message Board. I thought this was such a amazing idea

What you need:
  • natural sponge (or a short stack of paper towels)
  • 1 tablespoon of birdseed
  • 1 cup of water

What you do:
  1. Soak the birdseed overnight in the cup of water.
  2. Dampen the sponge or short stack of paper towels, and sprinkle seeds on it. Be sure to push the seeds into all the little holes on top of the sponge. If you're using paper towels, place the towels on a plate before dampening them and sprinkling them with seeds.
  3. Next, place the sponge or towels in a warm, dark place for a few days until you see sprouts.
  4. Now move your budding garden to a sunny window. Be sure to keep the sponge/towels damp. When your sprouts get big, plant them in some soil.
Teach you kids
How seeds grow and how important it is to care for there plants. And how something so small can turn into something so amazing. Last year we grew a pepper plant and the kids were amazed from a little seed grew into a big plant and made something that they could eat. They were so proud to eat there pepper.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beating Bad Winter Indoor Air

Today I find myself suffering from a serious case of Spring Fever. Since it is 60 degrees on the East Coast today I have taken some time to air out the house.

We so often forget how toxic our homes can get over the winter months. Just think for 4-5 months are homes are strictly shut down to keep the cold air out. Well that also means all the toxins, bateria and gasses are also locked down. So not only is the warm air inside but so is all the bad things. Just think how many times have to been on a plane and find yourself not long after your feeling/getting sick. This is because air on a plane is recycled well it is the same thing with your house in the winter months.

I was once told by my grandmother once a week she would change the air in her house. I know you are probably thinking the same thing I did...WHAT. How do you change your home air. Well it is actually very simple for 5 mins open all the windows in your house. Keeping the windows open for only 5 mins will not drastically cool down your house. My grandmother explained "heat sinking" and how it worked. She told me that when cold air is introduced the heat will sink onto furniture carpet and other household items.

Since I have a 2 story house I start downstairs open all the windows then I open all the upstairs. Once the upstairs is all open I go back downstairs and close them and do the same with upstairs. This takes me approximately 5 mins.

Some smart advice..
  • Don't do this on a -20 degree day, wait for a warmer winter day. If possible I will wait for an above 32 degree day.
  • Aim to do this 1 a week.
  • If someone is sick in the house try to change there air more often
  • If you suffer some Asthma or Allergies I suggest doing this twice a week
  • I recommend when you do this to all change the sheets. I find relaxing with clean sheets and fresh air very relaxing and rejuvenating.
For all season I high urge to make sure you home filters are changed on a regular schedule and use a good air purification unit. Make sure when purchasing a air purification unit it does all major forms of pollutions: particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust, and cigarette smoke; microbes such as mold and bacteria; and gases and odors. That's especially critical since the Environmental Protection Agency consistently ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public healthT. I highly recommend the Air Source 3000 this is the only unit I have found that can do all major forms of pollution plus this does up to 3,000sq feet.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Awesome Crayon & Marker Remover

I recently had a friend of mine call me to tell me about how her 2 yr old got a hold of crayons (non washable) and a permanent marker and used her TV entertainment center and her desk as his canvas. She was devastated as it was ruined and didn't know what to do nothing would take it off.

Today I got another call from the same friend very happy as she finally got the crayons and markers off using her Shaklee products. Below is her mixture.

Couple drops Germicide
Couple drops Basic H2
Couple drops Soft Fabric Concentrate.
Mix together in an 16oz bottle with water and scrub lightly with Miracle Scrubber Pad.

The marker and crayons is gone and the furniture looks so nice and shiny. She even washed the rest of her furniture and sofa with the same mixture. Not only did it remove the kids messes but also freshened the room and polished the wood.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Vegan Treats Rocks!

For many people being green also means eating lower on the food chain such as being a Vegetarian, Vegan. Being a former Vegan myself I have the most respect for people that can follow this diet and remain in good health. I unfortunately was not able to be diligent enough with this and thus got myself very ill.

Yesterday I joined the EcoMoms Alliance of Leigh Valley to Vegan Treats in Bethlehem. I really had low expectations for desserts without any Dairy plus being a former Vegan I have had some really BAD Vegan pastries. But I must admit Vegan Treats ROCKS! It was some of the best pastries I have ever had, I am a full believer!

With me I brought my two girls and we split a brownie and cupcake. I have never had a brownie that was so moist and full of chocolate. I didn't try the cupcake because my daughter would let me near it so I am assuming that was good.

If you ever get a chance stop by for a treat. The prices are reasonable about the same you would spend in any good bakery. Below is both the information for Vegan Treats as well as EcoMom Alliance.

Vegan Treats
1444 Linden Ave
Bethlehem Pa

EcoMoms Alliance Leigh Valley

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge

Posted using ShareThis

Taken from

Who is Brighter Planet?

Brighter Planet is a Vermont start-up committed to fighting climate change and building a clean-energy future. Borne out of a Middlebury College classroom, we are dedicated to demonstrating how small actions can lead to meaningful change. Through our products, services and expertise, we help you to reduce greenhouse gas-emitting activities, expand your use of green technologies, and build renewable energy projects.
What affiliation do you have with

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge is inspired by Bill McKibben’s awareness campaign about the importance of the number 350, the parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere that we must aim for if we want to keep the planet relatively safe. Bill is on our advisory board and the 350 crew are some of our dearest friends from Middlebury College. The 350 Challenge is a way that we can help bloggers spread the word. To learn more, listen to the podcast about the 350 campaign that we did with Bill.

For more information refer to

Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama's Victory Garden

Please tell Obama to bring back the Victory Garden.

This Lawn is Your Lawn from roger doiron on Vimeo.

Kitchen Skin Scrub

In the winter I like to use a salt scrub but most of the products that you buy are filled with toxins anything from SLS to Petroleum by products. So I went down to my kitchen to see what I could dig up and I came up with a really great scrub that leaves your skin super smooth.

Olive Oil
Cinnamon or any good smelling spice.

I put about a 1/8 cup olive oil and mixed it with salt until it was more like a salt scrub then added some cinnamon for fragrance. The go ahead and scrub your skin with this prior to the shower. You will be amazed on how smooth and soft you will be.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Now on Twitter

If anyone would like to follow me on Twitter I am

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Earth Hour 2009 will be held on March 28th 8:30pm. For an our we strongly encourage all to turn off there lights.

Friendly Plants - Cleaner Air

Did you know some common household plants can actually reduce and eliminate toxins in your air. Below is a list of some household plants that can be used to decorate and clean the air in your home.

Aloe Vera - My personal favorite, this plant is so amazing. Not only can it be very useful for cuts and scrapes by the gel found inside the leaves. But it also has the ability to remove up to 90% of the formaldehyde in the air.

Bamboo - Not only is this just a beautiful plant to display and very low maintenance. But this plant also removes formaldehyde from the air.

Lady Palm - Another beauty and this also removes ammonia from the air.

Peace Lily - This beauty has the power to remove a whole heap of toxins such as acetone, benzene, alcohols and ammonia.

Rubber Plants - Very exotic looking and removes formaldehyde. This plant also doesn't require much light so it is great for apartments and rooms with not much light.

Ficus - More like a small tree with an abundance of little green leaves. This tree will remove formaldehyde.

English Ivy - Probably one of the most common household plants because it is so versatile to display. I have seen it in houses in pots, handing baskets, topiary and up trellis. This plant is also good at removing formaldehyde.

So what plant should you put in your home....well why pick just one!
I say put them all in your home in different areas.
  • Ficus and Aloe always look nice in the family room. You can even wrap the ficus in some christmas lights for some dramatic lighting.
  • Place an Aloe plant in the office just in case you get a paper cut you can quickly treat it
  • Bamboo with Herbs and Aloe always looks great in the kitchen
  • Ivy always goes well in a formal living room.
  • Peace Lily's are also nice in the living room or a larger bathroom. Try to put this plant anywhere nail polish will be used as this is great for removing those bad toxins.
  • Rubber Plants would go well in any room that in low on light.

Want to add some plants to your kids room but afraid they will get into the dirt. Try English Ivy in a hanging basket so they cant reach it. Or bamboo in a little jar.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Chemicals in our Bodies

Body Burden is the amount of toxins in your body. Toxins mainly get in your body by being absorbed through your skin, inhaled from the surrounding air or ingested through food and drinks. Some toxins only remain in your body for a certain amount of time however others will store in your bodies, brain, tissue, and fat cells. Toxins can be very dangerous when at high levels and can cause physical illnesses such as asthma, cancer...ect. It is estimated that many Americans have higher than acceptable amounts of chemicals in there bodies according to the EPA and CDC.
  • check our the Chemical Trespass Report

I also recently found the Body Burden Quiz at I highly recommend taking this quiz. Be sure to come back and post your score.

Simple ways to decrease our exposure to toxins
  • Use non toxic home cleaning products
  • Use chlorine and bleach free feminine products and bathroom tissue (this is our most sensitive areas, we don't need to be putting harsh chemicals such as chlorine and bleach inside and against). I use Seventh Generation or Green Forest.
  • Each Organic and Free Range
  • Shop at local farms and know the farmers beliefs when it comes to crop and animal care.
  • Use an air purifier that cleans all forms of air pollutants like particulates such as dander dust and pollen, microbes such a mold and bacteria as well as gasses and odors.
  • Drink CLEAN water. Use your facet water and a water purification unit. Need the water to go get a stainless steel bottle instead of plastic.
  • Use safe cosmetics and skin care products check out Skin Deep for a listing of safe products.