Monday, June 29, 2009

Green your 4th of July

Here are a few easy and cheap idea's to remember to keep our environment healthier.

Carpool - If you can try to carpool with someone else by you.

Compost - Place a compost bin next to the garbage and encourage guests to compost their compostable scraps (this will also educate non-composting guests).

Reuse Plasticware or use Silverware - Place a bucket of soapy water next to the garbage(and compost) and encourage guest instead of throwing out the plasticware to place it in the bucket so you can wash and reuse later. Also if you are having a small gathering of people or have enough silverware use that instead.

Mind your Cup - Place a market out next to the cups to encourage guest to mark there names on the cups so if they misplace them they know which is which. This will save of the amount of cups to enter the landfill. Of course if you have enough "non-disposable" cups to go around that is always the best, however I know most of us (including myself don't)

Biodegradable Plates - Typically biodegradable plates are much more expensive however Chinet plain plates are biodegradable and have always been. Instead of throwing the plates away encourage guest to compost them. Just watch your green and brown ratios (plates are brown). Typically what I do after a party of composting plates when we and my neighbor cut the lawn I add in both his and my lawn clippings so I can add extra greens to offset the brown.

Share the Wealth - After the party is over typically the host is left with tons of food and drinks some of which are un-opened. Either share the leftovers with your guest or donate to a shelter.

RECYCLE - I don't know how many times I go to a party and people forget to put out the recycle bin. Don't forget the recycle bin!

As always have a happy and safe 4th of July.